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Meet the Team

Miles Bennett

A Senior at Palm High, Miles intends to move up the rungs of the social ladder. He hopes to go from being seen as a measly pathetic runner, to a stud of an athlete.

Garrett Freeman

Garrett is a super senior who decided to join the cross-country team to improve his social status. Little did he know that he chose the one sport that is universally uncool.

Coach Dean

Former junior varsity football coach, Dean has now been relegated to coach the boys’ cross-country team. 

Charlotte Silver

A good friend to Miles and Garrett. She runs on the girls’ team with Monica, and only wishes the best for Miles in their last year.

Monica Larson

The new student at Palm High, Monica is a force on the trail, as she is a state-caliber runner. Her strong independent aura makes attracts everyone to her.

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